Ts Zulkifflee obtained his bachelor’s degree from University of Newcastle,Australia in Mechanical Engineering and obtain his Master’s in Engineering Management in 2012. He has more than 34 years working experiences in the field of manufacturing in the Automotive & Electronics industries and transportation. He is a certified Technologist which is certified by Malaysian Board of Technologist
(MBOT). He has been with MIGHT for 15 years and involved in Strategic Industry and Technology development in the Automotive, Rail, Maritime Industry in Shipbuilding & Ship Repair (SBSR) industries and currently on the sustainable and smart cities initiatives. His role was mainly involved in advising the Government on the Strategic industry development planning and provide the government with the Blueprint as a reference document for policy and future planning in these areas. His has work in the rail industry strategic planning as part of the team in formulating the strategic plan of Future Rail 2030 roadmap. Hespearheaded to work to collaborate with Melaka State on the development of Smart Melaka Blueprint 2035. He is involved in the sustainable cities program with UNIDO name GEF 6. Global Environmental Facilities (GEF) is a body based in US that received funds from developed countries for sustainable cities program. The project is under Global
Platform for Sustainable Cities (GPSC) where it involves 28 cities and 11 countries globally. He is also leading in developing the Malaysia Smart City industry and technology data analysis and strategic plan and work closely in advising KPKT inthe technology and industry for Smart City development at National level.

Vice President MIGHT
Mahalil Amin bin Abdul Malek joined MIGHT in 2014 as Assistant Vice President in the Emerging Technology Department. Involved directly in producing the Malaysia Solar Industry Roadmap 2030 and the development of Robot-Assisted Recovery and Rehabilitation Roadmap 2026. Also, part of the team involved with the New Industrial Master Plan, National Advanced Materials Technology Roadmap 2030, Perak Sustainable Plan 2030 and currently part of the team in delivering GEF 6 Smart Grid Project.
Prior joining MIGHT he had 20 years of industry experience involving MNCs technology related companies namely, KOMAG USA (M) Sdn, Fuji Electric Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Q Cells Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and Hanhwa Q CELLS Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and Silterra Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Currently with MIGHT under Sustainable Division Technologies. Very enthusiastic in providing technological solutions to challenges in life.

Deputy Director, Research Management Centre MultiMedia University
Dr. Lim received his BEng (Hons) Degree in Electrical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 1999. He obtained his MEngSc and PhD in Engineering focusing on signal processing for wireless communications from Multimedia University in 2002 and 2008 respectively. He is currently a Professor of Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Multimedia University. His current research interests are in the areas of signal processing for advanced communication systems, with emphasis on detection and estimation theory as well as their applications.

Senior Principal Analyst II, Sustainable Development Technologies Division
A registered Professional Engineer with Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) and Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), with 20 years of experiences in the field of Electro-Mechanical engineering.
Currently as a Senior Principal Analyst II, under Sustainable Development Technologies Division at Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT).
Had obtained working experiences in Malaysia as well as overseas mainly in Middle East (Qatar, Dubai and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). Involved with teams of engineering contractors and consultants which dedicated in providing Electro Mechanical engineering services inclusive of utilities design and project management, procurement, turnkey construction, tender bidding, design and feasibility study for airport, hospital, and mega infrastructure projects.
Previously, served as a Principal Researcher at TNB Research Sdn Bhd. (TNBR), and Technical & Reliability Manager at Kapar Power Plant Energy Ventures Sdn. Bhd. (KEV).

Chia Wei has over 20 years of marketing, advertising, events and PR experience spanning multiple industries including banking, fashion, and fast moving consumer goods. Over the last five years, she has been the spokesperson and trainer as May’s representative. Invited by the likes of MDEC,, SECORP Gorgeous Geek, Rotary Club, MATRADE, UNHCR and VISTAGE, she has conducted talks and workshops as well as participated in panel sessions across the country. Most recently, as product owner of May’s hyperlocal digital economy ecosystem and team lead for May’s collaboration with Penang Island City Council building and operating a city super app, she has conducted multiple sharing sessions and workshops on the role of Fintech, Digital ID and super apps in Smart City initiatives.
Outside her role at May, Chia Wei is also the founder of BERANI PROJECT, a social enterprise focused on financial inclusion and livelihood for marginalised communities